Master Chief visits Gamestop, wreaks havoc

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Apparently excited for the release of his game Master Chief dropped by Gamestop to do a little teabagging action on the PS3’s that were set up. Master Chief also breaks the law towards the end of the video…. Bad Chiefy Bad!

[Via GTR]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Marty O’Donnell finally makes it onto the Bungie podcast

If you’re like me chances are you never thought that you’d ever find yourself listening to a videogame soundtrack in your car, but that very thing indeed happened to me just a few days ago most likely because of all of the Halo 3 fever going around. What was I listening to? The Halo 2 soundtrack of course. “Finishing the fight” can’t come quick enough, and while I’m at it, Where’s Doc Brown when you need him? Me, myself, and I need to go back to the future. Anyway, don’t disappoint yourself by not listening to the 9-20-07 edition of the Bungie Studios podcast as it has the Bungie audio “Man God” Marty O’Donnell finally making his appearance on the show. If Marty’s reputation is correct, it should be something to remember.

[Via Bnet]

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-

Master Chief gets built like never before

Thanks to Billybob884 on deviantArt, this quite possibly is the best use of paper EVER! Tree’s be damned I guess. As in the Six Million Dollar Man( I’m not that old, I just love the theme song), we too can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make excellent copies of the world’s first paper Spartan. Master Chief will be that man. Better than he was before. Better……. stronger……… faster!

Before I get carried away, the instructions for building this for yourself are made available. You can get them here in all of it’s ten page glory. Next is the PDF file you’ll need for the actual folding material, then lastly a PePaKuRa model file. When it’s all said and done, it should come to total 13″ (33 cm) tall, have roughly 2100 faces (+ ~800 for the gun), and be made up of 42 pieces (+ 10 for the gun).

Master Chief Assembled [deviantART]

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-

Site Maintenance incoming[Update 1]

In about 10 minutes or so our host is going to be running some maintenance on the site. If everything goes okay it should only take a couple of minutes. If things go bad it might take a couple of hours. So if you see videos, links, disappearing don’t panic.

[Update- Okay I think everything is back to normal]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

TGS 2007- Twin Midgits and blood? This is “Rainy Woods”

Vodpod videos no longer available.

No gameplay is shown for this 2008 horror/thriller but I do like games which give me a good scare or are just plain creepy. Because we know that Blood is creepy…. right?

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

TGS 2007- Halo 3 CO-OP Gameplay

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The suspense is killing me. It’s almost here people… almost……need….halo 3…….now.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Rumor Foiled: New HD-DVD player is false

Technology is always improving. Competing companies always want to have the stronger product. Some people were ticked off that word had it Microsoft was releasing a new edition of the their HD-DVD player. Gizmodo has since gone on record to say that the Microsoft employee who apparently started this whole mess was actually mis quoted. So let’s clear the air. No new HD-DVD is coming(yet) so don’t worry.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Aaron Greenberg says 360’s are now improved… O Rly?

Three Red Lights. Those dreaded lights have made a lot of gamers suffer and has sure put the panic in them. Gamers worldwide brace themselves when they activate their system fearing they will see those three dreaded lights. Our dear friends at Kotaku spoke with Xbox’s Group Marketing Manager Aaron Greenberg over there in Tokyo and he said something very reassuring for every Xbox 360 Gamer.

He says that Microsoft has made improvements on the manufacturing process. Every system currently on the market and the ones being shipped to owners who have deceased systems will receive a system with these improvements. Now if this is just smoke and mirrors is beyond me but if this is true everyone should feel a little better. That is unless you still own a launch 2005 system…. live in fear pal.

We have made all the improvements in our manufacturing process… All the consoles on the market have those improvements…. [We will] repair the console sent to us with these improvements. It should be similar to buying a new console off the shelf.

Greenberg says current Xbox 360’s are improved [Kotaku]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-