Medal of Honor:Airborne impressions(retail version)

Alright so Microsoft sent me a copy of EA’s Medal of Honor:Airborne so I just wanted give my impressions of it. I’ve been playing it for about one week and so far the game is mostly good. Let’s talk about the single player campaign first. Immediately when I jumped from my airplane and was looking down at the ground rapidly approaching I was taken by awe. I’ve never played a WW2 game which let’s you parachute like this one and it feels very surreal.

After the thrill of parachuting your soldier lands on the ground and you and your squad head toward your mission goals. For example the first mission of the game has your squad planting some explosives on some Nazi artillery. The graphics look very good. As a big Call of Duty 2 fan I immediately noticed the graphical jump from a 2005 WW2 game to a 2007 WW2 game. From the designs of the houses to the soldier’s uniforms it all looks very nice.

The only real problem I have with MOH:Airborne is the hit detection. Sometimes I could shoot a Nazi 5 times directly in the head and the guy will refuse to die. Other times when I have a Nazi in my cross hairs to Snipe I could be directly shooting him and he shows no sign of taking damage. For a game which is trying to bring World War 2 to life I don’t think the real life war had hit detection problems. I could nit pick here and there but other than the Hit Detection I really don’t see any major flaws.

After playing some Single Player I hopped to Xbox Live to give the multiplayer a go. The Max amount of players is 12 for MOH:Airborne and for me it’s good enough. My favorite mode is ‘Team Deathmatch Airborne” because I love that when you respawn as a American you have to parachute back down to map. One of my favorite experiences so far was killing an American soldier while he was parachuting and watching fall about 50 feet to the ground. 🙂

One of the cool aspects of “Team Deathmatch Airborne” mode is if you’re American and parachuting down you can actually kill a Nazi with a deadly kick to the head. Trust me I saw it happen in action and it’s not pretty. MOH:Airborne also has some sweet melee attacks. If you’re holding the MP40(Nazi) your character will perform a deadly stab with a knife as his melee atack. Hit detection problems haven’t really occurred in multiplayer and the lag is only noticable at times.

My only gripe with MOH:Airborne’s multiplayer would be I sometimes get disconnected from rooms for no apparent reason and I’ve heard other players complain of this as well. As a WW2 fan I am enjoying MOH:Airborne but would I have paid $59.99 for it? Honestly? No. Oh and one more thing. The soundtrack is very nice as it includes some parts of the memorable compositions of MOH:Frontline.

I know some of you live and die by scores so for the amount of the game I’ve played so far I will give the game a 8.0 out of 10. I really see fans of the WW2 genre getting into this game mostly.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Army of Two Cinematic Trailer

Army of Two may not be Halo 3, but it gets more and more interesting as the days come. Over at the TGS they revealed the new trailer for Army of Two and its a CG beauty. The trailer gives you a look behind the mask giving, which gives you some idea of what their personalities are like. In the background on TV you can see that they are acting in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack.

Who’s planning on picking this one up when it releases?

– Jerome “the360loop” Francisco –

Microsoft drops the ban hammer, raises it back up

Oh boy it got a bit ugly. Microsoft told Pro-G earlier today that they were banning Xbox Live Accounts who were playing Halo 3 before it’s release date.

Earlier today, a Microsoft rep told Pro-G that gamers who played Halo 3 early would have their LIVE accounts banned. The rep also confirmed that Microsoft was able to ban accounts based on information collected by the console which showed when the game was played.


Microsoft retracted their statement to PRO-G and said this ban was only to Microsoft employees. Riiiighhhhhttt. I’m glad that the gamers are not being held accountable because it’s the retailer’s fault for leaking the game out not the gamer!

Image via Thought Bubble

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Halo 3’s street date broken….. AGAIN

First it was the Norweigians and now it’s the British. Destructoid posted that the above British resident who goes by the name of “Nick Millen” has already wrapped his hands on a copy of Halo 3. How did he get it? From British retailer Argos.

We haven’t heard anything yet of North American copies being leaked yet so just hold your horses for the time being.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

XBLA interviews are coming, forreals

We’ve been receiving e-mails from you good folks saying that you want some Xbox Live Arcade interviews. So I’m going to go the corporate route and say “We’re Working on it”. Seriously their coming. Am I going to name the games? Nope. Why? because sometimes interviews fall through and then nothing shows up. That’s just the politics of this blogging game.

So rest weary and know that they’re coming!

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Puzzle Quest costs 1200 MS Points? shades of Lumines Live?

In the recent release of the Fall edition of the internet newsletter “Xbox Flash” a price was shown for the upcoming XBLA title Puzzle Quest:Challenge of the Warlords. What was the price? 1200 Microsoft Points! ZOMG!

If this is the price for admission for some Puzzle Quest action… sheesh. Nothing is confirmed because is known for their mistakes. Who here is willing to drop 1200 big ones for Puzzle Quest?

[Via X3F]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

GEON:Emotions released today on XBLA

Alright folks. It’s Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday and as we posted yesterday today’s game is “GEON:Emotions”. 

Content: Geon: Emotions
Price: 800 Microsoft Points
Availability: Not available in Japan and Korea
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE)] Single Player, Live Multiplayer 1-4, Local Multiplayer 1-4, HD (High Definition). It’s frightening to be restricted to such a small palette of emotions, you’ve felt rage, you’ve known passion, but you want to feel more, to experience more. Grab the full game and unleash fear, courage, rapture, melancholy or greed fuelled envy. Feel the rush of playing against friends, family or people you’ll only ever know by their mastery of their own emotions!

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Luke Smith says Halo 3 Surprise coming soon, oooh the suspense

Bungie’s Luke Smith aka Lukems posted on gaming’s holy grail message board NeoGaf that a “long awaited pre-launch surprise” will be revealed soon.

Sunday at Noon. Daily Content on Bnet between now and launch including Matchmaking Playlist reveals (maybe Tyson will write something on them, I gotta ask him tomorrowz), Networking, Saved Films, Guide and Tour of, more Forge, First Ever Halo 3 Humpday on brand new Forged Gametypes with films of Rocket Race, new 2 hour podcast with Joe Staten, Marty O’Donnell and Chris Gossett talking about the new Bnet, the next Blomkamp and finally, a long awaited pre-launch surprise.

I dunno, seems like a decent amount of stuff to help you pass the time.

More Halo 3 hype??? NO!!!!!. But seriously I’m excited for whatever Bungie has planned to release.


-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-