Unveiled: Capcom’s “Dark Void”

Vodpod videos no longer available.

It’s new game alert! What game is this? It’s called “Dark Void” and it’s being published by Capcom. YOU WILL LOVE this game if you enjoy Space and Jet Packs. We also see some brief third-person action going on and overall it looks nice at quick glance. I will reserve my full ruling until I’ve seen some previews pour in or better yet some hands-on time with it.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Kotaku’s “Put on the Master Chief helmet” Guide

What would we do without Brian Crecente? I mean this guy is just amazing sometimes. He posts late breaking news, features, and even tells readers how to place on the Master Chief helmet from the legendary edition. Wow.

I know for sure one afternoon you’re going to be bored so here’s what Brain posted on how to place this helmet on that noggin of yours.

First Brain posts that you must unscrew all the pieces of the helmet(Which are about 50). I hope you have a glue gun because you’re going to need it. Brian then glued the pieces back together(which took about half an hour).

So you’re wondering, how did Brian get the helmet to fit on his head? The inner frame takes up all the head space, so Brian put it back together without it. Cool huh?

Is anyone here going to try this? So what you can’t see or breathe with this helmet on…. it’s still cool!

HowTo Wear Your Halo Helmet [Kotaku]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

EGM says Gears of War 2 for Holiday Season 2008

EGM’s lovable rumor mole “Quartermann” posted some very interesting rumors in his monthly rumor report. He posted about “God of War 3” coming to PS3’s next year but more interesting to you 360 fans is “Gears of War 2” is coming to stores next holiday as well.

I wouldn’t mind a new Gears of War next year because I love me some Gears of War. Bringing a new game would also mean that infamous international playboy Cliff Bleszinski would be projected back into the spotlight. Yes I know all of you with a man-crush on him would be happy.

Quartermann: God of War 3, Gears of War 2 in 2008 [1up]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

First SSF2THDR gameplay video(from a Cell Phone)

Capcom’s Brian Dunn revealed the first ever gameplay video of (oh god don’t make me type it) Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo HD Remix. Instead of a nice high-definition version we’re left with below-par cell phone footage thrown up on You Tube. How does the footage look? It’s look like a classic Street Fighter game.

I speak for myself when I say I’m tired of these rehashes thrown up on XBLA. Bring on Street Fighter 4 Capcom! Bring on something new!

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Battlestar Galactica ready for it’s Xbox Live Arcade launch next week

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Joystiq is reporting that the Xbox Live Arcade version of the hit Television show “Battlestar Galactica” is heading to XBLA next wednesday. The game includes 10 missions based from the show, multiplayer (up to 8 players), and will cost 800 Microsoft Points. Haven’t we had our fill of below par space shooters already this year? I guess not.

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Devil May Cry 4 slated for February release, Chad Warden doesn’t care

A wise man once said, “If he Gon Cry, let him cry”. No one has ever heard from that wise man ever again. Anywhoo Siliconera has posted on their website that the slated release for “Devil May Cry 4” is February 2008.

The Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 version are both scheduled to come out in February 2008. Devil May Cry 4 puts players in the hands of Nero and his Devil Bringer arm.

Who here is ready for some demon slaying action? Or are you more in the “If he Gon cry, let him cry” crowd?

Devil May Cry 4 slated for February [Siliconera]

[Via Destructoid]

-Michael “Thrills Killa” Pacheco-

Download the Guitar Hero 3 Demo for free without TH:PG [update 2]

Don’t plan on buying Tony Hawks: Proving Ground? If not, you to can still get your hands on the Guitar Hero 3 demo previously only available if you bought TH:PG. Brought to you by Softpedia in conjunction with Neversoft is a chance to download the demo free of charge.

Once you have downloaded the demo’s iso image, just burn it to a CD or DVD. After that, pop it in your Xbox 360, grab your Guitar (If you have one, if not your controller will work, but it will be pretty lame), and rock away with the five included songs.

*The DL speeds are slow so be patient

Download the Free Demo Here [Softpedia]

[Update 1] The file can be downloaded from FileShack as well if you are having trouble getting the file.

[Update 2] This demo is up on the Xbox Live Marketplace as well, which is the preferred way.

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-

Xbox 360 tops Septembers NPD’s

As if anyone with any kind of fore site should have seen, the Xbox 360 has topped the NPD sales chart for September. Xbox 360 managed to rake in 528,000 for the month off of the back of Halo 3, putting it in the September drivers seat versus Nintendo Wii’s 501,000 and PS3’s 119,000. This makes it the first time that Nintendo hasn’t been on top since its Nintendo Wii launched last November.

NPD reported that in the US, Xbox 360 was the #1 console for the month; outselling PS3 5:1

o Xbox 360 sales built upon its growth from last month, showing a 50 percent increase for the month of September selling an average of 105,600 consoles per week. Total sales were more than 528,000 Xbox 360 consoles sold, compared to 501,000 for Wii and 119,000 for PS3.

o PS3 sales posted an average weekly decline of 27 percent.

Of course console sales are great and all, but the Xbox 360 continues to be the top platform for third party sales as well.

· Xbox 360 software revenue at retail outsold PS3’s software portfolio 8:1 and Wii’s 4:1, selling 3 times more than both platforms combined.

o For the month of September according to NPD, Xbox 360 software represented 74 percent of total software sales for the next generation market compared to 17 percent for Wii and 9 percent for PS3. Even without the sales of “Halo 3” the Xbox 360 portfolio outsold the PS3 portfolio 2:1.

As stated by Major Nelson, it’s interesting to see how the other platform holders are spinning this news in their favor, much the same as Microsoft would if it weren’t number 1 this time around.

Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime tries to seem unaffected:

The Wii went up against the self-proclaimed ‘biggest entertainment launch ever’ and we emerged with our best month of the year.

They fired their bullet and our gun is loaded and ready to fire throughout the holidays.

While Sony does what Sony does:

According to NPD data, September 2007 was a strong month for the PlayStation brand, which showed a 13% increase in total retail dollars generated year-over-year in the US with total sales of $337 million for the month.
PS3 continues to maintain an overall increase in sales, with 119K units sold at retail for the month. Also, with the new $399 40GB PLAYSTATION 3 SKU hitting store shelves on November 2nd, a new $499 price point for the 80GB model effective immediately, and highly anticipated titles available this holiday, such as Racthet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, the PS3 is poised for very strong performance through the holiday season and into 2008.
The PSP had a great month, selling 285K units for the month. Success at retail is due to the release of the new slimmer and lighter PSP in North America which includes video-out capabilities for $169, the success of the Star Wars and Daxter Entertainment Packs, and the release of great titles such as Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow.
PS2 sales remained very strong for the month of September, selling 215K units, making it one of the best-selling consoles on the market.

As in a move thats synonymous with Nintendo, the “Sales Saga” must continue forward, because our Xbox 360 sales king princess is in another castle next month.

[Via Major Nelson]

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-