The American Wolf.


The Gamerscore Competition has been going on since November and according to the Leaderboard is jam packed with gamers who are gunning for that #1 spot. I interviewed ST TheKing back in April who is  one of the elite gamerscore leaders but I wanted to get some info from one person who is a elite gamerscore leader also. He has the highest gamerscore from all xbox 360 owners in the United States and is ranked #3 worldwide. This man is TheGrayWolf.

1-Can you tell us about yourself?

TheGrayWolf- I’m 24 years old from tennessee, and I own a small vending maching business.

2-How did you come up with your gamertag?

TheGrayWolf-To be honest, I really don’t know, I had to come up with something on the spot, and this is what I got.

3-It’s July, you are now over 42,000 Gamerscore points. Tired?

TheGrayWolf- Yes

4-How does it feel to have the highest gamerscore out of all Americans?

TheGrayWolf-It was exciting at first, but now it kinda feels like a chore trying to maintain.

5-Is it hard earning Japanese Achievements?

TheGrayWolf-I seem to be pretty good at it, I guess I have played enough japanese games that were translated that I am able to figure out pretty quickly. All the Japanese games require at least 40 hours to beat though, even their sports games.

6-Have you ever passed ST TheKing on the leaderboard?

TheGrayWolf- Yes. For about 8 hours when Fight Night came out.

7- What are your thoughts on the current worldwide leader Rance6?

TheGrayWolf-Rance6 is awesome. He is very helpful. He has just messaged his friends list though and said he is Quitting his gamerscore run.

8-I asked ST this question and I want to ask you too. How would you react if your gamerscore was reset to 0?

TheGrayWolf- There was definitely a time when I would have been furious, but at this point, I would feel kind of relieved. I don’t want to Quit, but if that choice were made for me, I wouldn’t mind.

9-How long do you plan to keep up in this gamerscore competition?

TheGrayWolf- Until I get bored. I have a very addiction prone personality and when I get interested in something,I usually do it non-stop until I get tired of it.

10-Do you get mostly Positive or Negative feedback from people?

TheGrayWolf- Mostly Positive, but the negative ones are really vulgar.

11-Best Game played on the 360 so far?

TheGrayWolf- BF2-Multiplayer Oblivion-Singleplayer

12-Worst game played?

TheGrayWolf- Fifa world cup 2006

13-What was the hardest Achievement for you to earn?

TheGrayWolf- Dark Agent Solo(PDZ) was tough, But I think Fifa World Cup 2006 all global challenges completed.

14-Do you have any tips or mental strategies for earning those hard achievements?

TheGrayWolf- Just keep working at it, you will get it eventually, but my advice would be not to stress yourself over it.

15-What Xbox related sites do you check out?

TheGrayWolf-, and

16- What Strives you to keep going at this gamerscore competition?

TheGrayWolf- I don’t care about Losing.

17-Any last words for gamers out there?

TheGrayWolf-Remember, you can’t work a game only play it.—

Thanks alot Wolf, and to keep track of the gamerscore leaderboard stay with

14 Responses

  1. Wow Rance6 is quitting his run? Wow. Nice interview btw!

  2. Good Job Wolf! Please Take the #1 spot..for the USA!

  3. TheGreyWolf sounds like a good guy who has the right attitude toward gaming. I guess what I would have liked to ask him if I were interviewing him (maybe he’ll comment) is what tips he has for folks who are trying to increase their gamerscore?
    K1lla, I am new to your site (referred by Major Nelson) and what I have seen so far is awesome! Keep up the good work. Interviews like this one are excellent and informative and really enrich the XBOX community.

    Resectfully yours,

  4. Thanks Ghost Rider! Major Nelson referred you? Awesome! I’ll keep trying my best for you guys.

  5. Hey Thrills Killa! Congrats on your Major Nelson referral! His newest show links has a direct link to your blog, and this interview. Keep up the cool posting, and remember to find more interesting guys to interview to advertise! (just kidding on that last part, just say lawl.)

  6. Keep up the interviews! Its interesting to read about the community ‘celebrities’ that are mostly unknown.

  7. I was jsut on Majornelson and i saw the link to here. congrats killa.

  8. Thanks Guys!!

  9. I linked here from Kotaku myself. Great interview! I’m gonna check out some of your other articles too.

    One thing I was wondering (and I wonder this everytime I read an interview with a points leader) – how are North American gamers playing Japanese games? Aren’t they region encoded?

    Any info on this would be greatly appreciated, as there are a few Japan-only titles I’d love to check out.

  10. I just cant believe how huge gaming has become.

  11. hey Jimmy, these gamers are buying japanese xbox 360’s and that’s how they are playing them. enjoy your stay!


  13. Yeah this guy uses save games….. I love how he forgot to mention that. He’s well known on the 360gamesaves forums. Yawn!

  14. your a fuking loser get a girlfriend

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